NETs Land and Countryside - Trees and Woodland Team - Customer Survey
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The Tree and Woodland Team manage the council's tree and woodland stock. They develop management plans to ensure that our woodlands/forests are managed effectively, and provide advice to members of the public on tree-related matters. They deliver a frontline arboricultural service that carries out tree inspections and maintenance tasks, where required.
Please help us to improve our service to you by completing this customer evaluation form.

Please rate the quality of our service to you with regards to the following aspects:

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor N/A

Do you feel you are treated with fairness and sensitivity?

Did our service meet your expectations?

If you have any suggestions for improving our service to you or you wish to make any other comment, please use this space to do so. Your views are important to us.

The Tree and Woodland Team is committed to continuous improvement. Customer consultation results are collated, analysed and acted on to improve the service.